Autism Asperger's Digest Feb-April 2021

This list contains 11 titles

"If Big Bird says so, it must be true!" Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (15)
  • Describes three ways to help autistic children lose their fear of failure. Suggests checking out Big Bird's "Everyone Makes Mistakes" videos on YouTube.
  • 2021
ART Article
Autism around the world : New Zealand Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (27-29)
  • In the "Autism Around the World" series, Hilary Stace provides a description of the services presently available in New Zealand. Covers the history of institutionalization and its demise, the founding by a group of parents of the Intellectual Handicapped Children's Association to lobby for community support and education for their children (now IHC). The growth of autism awareness, parent advocacy, self advocacy, consumer organisations for autism and more acceptance of neurodiversity have improved outcomes for those on the spectrum - though by no means to perfection.
  • 2021
ART Article
E pluribus unum : from many, one ... autism under COVID Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (23-26)
  • An article in "The Art of Autism" series providing short stories from Art of Autism Board members (and their friends) describing their experiences during COVID. Angela Weddle, Noah Curran, Dylan Aragon, Isabelle Marks Mosca, CarolAnn Edscorn and Kimberley Gerry Tucker contribute.
  • 2021
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Educational lessons we can learn from the 1950s Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (7)
  • In her regular column "The Way I See It", Temple Grandin argues that there are important things that parents and teachers today can learn from parenting practices in the 1950s, citing her own experiences. "When I was a child, we were given great amounts of time to invent our own games and to make things. When I made a mistake, I had to figure out how to correct it... In the 1950s, parents only intervened in kid's play if they started doing something dangerous or really mean to others... A good teacher (like a parent) knows just how much to stretch a child slightly out of their comfort zone to try something new... Mealtime was highly structured to teach manners, but, at other times, there was also lots of time to be creative to engage in free play."
  • 2021
ART Article
Food for fun! Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (30-31)
  • Contends that sensory overload may affect what you child may eat or how much they may eat, or even if they will eat at all. Suggests ways to make the environment as calm and non-stressful as possible. Introducing new foods can be upsetting, so not too many changes too close together, is recommended. Other suggestions for happy mealtimes are therapeutic play, sensory based food play (warns this can get messy!), smaller portions and involving the child in food preparation.
  • 2021
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Guiding Grandma to "get it" about SPD Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (8-9)
  • Explains how sensory processing disorders can affect a child's behaviour and interfere with daily life. Looks at the effects that SPD can have on eating, sleeping and shampooing.
  • 2021
ART Article
Parents' feedback says children see robot as dynamic, reliable and interactive Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (19-20)
  • Reports that parents who have been given the MOVIA robot named "Kebbie" free for a trial experiment by the inventor Timothy Gifford, consider the robot to be "a change agent" in which the evidence is seen particularly in the advances in their child's communication skills. See BC W0014271 for the corrected version of this article
  • 2021
ART Article
Publisher's page : the 50s produced independence Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (4-6)
  • Reflects on the life style of the 50s where children amused themselves, learnt many of life's lessons themselves, had regular household tasks, often had paying jobs and family responsibilities and in so doing developed interests, abilities, independence, curiosity and the notion of reciprocity. Suggests this to be as valid for autistic children as it is for the neurotypical and cites Temple Grandin's own article on the topic in this issue and her life as evidence for successful parenting.
  • 2021
ART Article
The Movia robot-assisted instruction system guides children with autism through interactive games, life skills, actions and conversations Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (16-18)
  • "Movia's Robot-Assisted Instruction (RAI) system consists of software that enables robots to deliver content and guide children through lessons and games using a peer-like relationship. The communication is intentionally focused on certain activities rather than having conversations or games that are completely open-ended. The RAI communication results in an interaction that is dynamic and not just one-way. The system allows the facilitator to participate by using the laptop to select activities, feedback and encouragement that will be delivered through the robot. The child engages with the robot by following its directions and responding to it through a tablet. This interaction between child and robot gives a golden opportunity for a relationship to be established, so that the two can become 'friends'. This makes [the robot] a great educational assistive technology tool for children on the autism spectrum."
  • 2021
ART Article
This is your brain on Asperger's, in college, during COVID-19 Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (21-22)
  • Jenn Director Knudsen recounts the stress involved when Alyssa, her daughter with Asperger syndrome, decided she wanted to go to a college 3,000 miles from home and during the pandemic. Alyssa herself reports on the success of the mission "Because of Asperger's, I know myself incredibly well; I've had to work harder than other people to deal with stressors. To cope. And I know I can."
  • 2021
ART Article
What you must know about emergencies and disasters before they happen Series: Autism Asperger's Digest ; February-April 2021 (10-12)
  • Provides guidelines for parents of children with autism in emergency situations. New Zealand readers should be aware that some of the services and facilities mentioned are available only in the US.
  • 2021
ART Article

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